Friday 15 January 2010

Google Compute Engine Load Balancer limits -

Google Compute Engine Load Balancer limits -

i'm thinking of using google compute engine run lot of instances in target pool behind network load balancer. each of instances end real-time processing many big info streams, @ total scale , peak times there might multiple terabytes per sec go through.


is there quota or limit info can force through load balancers? there limit of instances can have in target pool? (the documentation not seem specify this)

it seems load balancers have dedicated ip (means it's single machine?)

there's no limit on amount of info can force through lb. instances, there default limits on cpus, persistent or ssd disks, , can see quotas in developers console @ 'compute' > 'compute engine'> 'quotas', can request increment quota @ link. can have many instances need in target pool. take compute engine autoscaler help spin machines service needs. single ip provided lb in charge of distributing incoming traffic across multiple instances.

load-balancing google-compute-engine

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