Friday 15 January 2010

.net - DirectX from C# -

.net - DirectX from C# -

i'm looking various options using directx in c#; ideally want utilize whatever technology preferred microsoft.

non-microsoft technologies:

sharpdx slim dx direct2d manager wrapper

microsoft technologies:

wpf directx 9.0 managed code (deprecated) xna framework (deprecated)

rationale behind technology want use:

i want code-first framework (as opposed writing xaml in wpf) i want (ideally) microsoft supported framework isn't deprecated i want build applications don't over-rely on 3rd party dependencies (i.e. if build application wpf, framework installed on users machine part of .net framework)


what microsoft's prefered method writing directx exabled applications (aside wpf)? what dangers there in using deprecated technologies (mdx, xna)? what popular non-microsoft directx technology can used c#?

the directx technology central modern windows presentation , game graphics, there's lots of different avenues it. question doesn't state kind of application building or platform trying target.

managed directx 1.1 has long list of issues @ point: doesn't back upwards .net 4.x means vs 2010 or later c# projects default can't utilize it. uses legacy d3dx9 , legacy directsetup deployment. not back upwards 64-bit native apps. supports direct3d 9 , not direct3d 10.x or 11.x. exposes bunch of legacy stuff directplay , directsound. hasn't been updated since ~2006 , finding samples challenge. not back upwards windows store apps, windows phone, xbox 360, or xbox one.

slimdx selection has existing managed directx 1.1 application wants move bit improve supported. compatible x64 native apps , .net 4.0. project has indeed stalled in terms of progression, it's open source can work yourself.

xna game studio 4 supports .net 4.0 , can target xbox 360, windows phone 7, windows phone 8 (in appcompat), , windows 32-bit apps. not back upwards x64 native apps, , content pipeline compatible vs 2010. uses legacy d3dx9 depends on deprecated directsetup deployment. exposes direct3d 9 , not direcxt3d 10.x or 11.x. not back upwards windows store apps or xbox one. it's specific writing games.

windows presentation foundation has direct3d9/direct3d9ex interop, not direct3d 10.x or direct3d 11.x. useful technology win32 desktop apps, not supported windows store apps, windows phone, or xbox one. see msdn. it's not particularly suited making games, many game developers have used tools pipeline. lack of directx 10.x/11.x back upwards challenging, create work dxgi shared surfaces direct3d9ex.

sharpdx popular selection c# mapping of modern directx apis. supports windows store , windows phone apps, , active project.

btw, if looking direct way utilize direct2d c# may want @ win2d.

see directx , .net

c# .net wpf xna directx

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