Thursday 15 March 2012

android - One xml to many java file? -

android - One xml to many java file? -

i have 2 activities called home , options. home contains 6 buttons : doctors - appointments...etc options contains 3 buttons : add together - edit/delete - list.

options mutual layout means want open when pressing on doctors , appointments. problem want write on buttons respectively "add doc - edit/delete doc - list doctor" in options.xml if pressed button in home doctors , "add appointment - edit/delete appointment - list appointment" in options.xml if pressed button in home appointment.

the point cut down number of activities instead of creating 6 activities same format, can write text in buttons depending on previous activity? possible ?

you can send info intent start new activity.

public void ondoctorclick(view v) { intent intent = new intent(this, nextactivity.class); intent.putextra("button_text_1", "add doctor"); intent.putextra("button_text_2", "edit/delete doctor"); intent.putextra("button_text_3", "list doctor"); startactivity(intent); } public void onappointmentclick(view v) { intent intent = new intent(this, nextactivity.class); intent.putextra("button_text_1", "add appointment"); intent.putextra("button_text_2", "edit/delete appointment"); intent.putextra("button_text_3", "list appointment"); startactivity(intent); }

then can info in new activity , set text of buttons:

bundle extras = getintent().getextras(); button1.settext(extras.getstring("button_text_1")); button2.settext(extras.getstring("button_text_2")); button3.settext(extras.getstring("button_text_3"));


you can send 1 string indicate button started activity

intent.putextra("type", "doctor")

and check ik in sec activity:

switch(getintent().getextras().getstring("type")) { case "doctor": button1.settext(; break; case "appointment": button1.settext(r.string.appointment); break; }


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