Thursday 15 March 2012

debugging - Apache camel bindy - how to log or debug -

debugging - Apache camel bindy - how to log or debug -

i'm trying log informations camel bindy. had working setup using bindycsvdataformat bindyproduct annotated product-bean , csv file source.

now changed csv file , annotated bean. processing seams stuck within bindy processor, not informations/logs. debugprocessor not reached @ all. if set before unmarshal step, logs stuff , can debug it. wonder why new files not fit / match more , why there no logs or exceptions or whatever of help.

from("file:csv-testdata") .unmarshal(bindyproduct) .process(debugprocessor)

thanks in advance aj

logging of exceptions in apache camel

when asked question, @ origin of camel riding experience. in meantime found out great ways to achieve, looking for. if else searching reply question:

1. first approach: enable logging project, configure , and process logging adding logging urls route.

1.1 add together dependencies logging pom.xml e.g

<groupid>org.slf4j</groupid> <artifactid>slf4j-api</artifactid> <version>1.7.5</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupid>org.slf4j</groupid> <artifactid>slf4j-log4j12</artifactid> <version>1.7.5</version> </dependency>

1.2 add together file src/main/resources folder (if want utilize log4j). define loglevel, appenders etc. there

1.3 add together logging route

from("...") .unmarshal(bindyproduct) .to("log:com.your.package.yourchosenname?level=error&multiline=true&showcaughtexception=true") .to(...);

a list of options can found here can utilize


to log informations headers, properties, body etc

keep in mind, severity of loglevel of urls "level=" alternative must equal or higher one, defined in file

2. sec approach define debugprocessor logs exception , set in route right after processor, behaves mysteriously

2.1 write debugprocessor processor has implement public void process(exchange exchange) throws exception {

if wondering why can't find exception in


try retrieving using

exception exception = (exception) exchange.getproperty(exchange.exception_caught);

do ever exception (log sysout, ...)

2.2 wire debugger route within routebuilder java-class (or elsewhere, spring, xml, ...)

debugprocessor debugprocessor1 = new debugprocessor(); from("...") .unmarshal(bindyproduct) .process(debugprocessor1) .to(...); 3. 3rd approach use camels .dotry()/.docatch() or (maybe better) utilize onexception() route

( /

3.1 build onexception() route separated route want debug

the next onexception route aggregates exceptions , writes them downwards nice, human readable way (via velocity template) , every 5 seconds or 10 exeptions:

onexception(exception.class) // or special excepion (io, etc) .aggregate(header("camelfileparent"), new exceptionaggregationstrategy()) .completionsize(10).completiontimeout(5000) .to("velocity:velocity/errors.log.vm") .to("file:camel/xml-out?filename=errors-${file:name.noext}-${date:now:yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss-sss}.log");

this example, can ever want , camel able to, e.g. send them mail, set them in db etc.

you don't need processors or logging stuff in route now:

from("...") .unmarshal(bindyproduct) .to(...);

debugging logging apache-camel eip bindy

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