Thursday 15 March 2012

Detect if Airplane mode is ON or OFF in iOS -

Detect if Airplane mode is ON or OFF in iOS -

i trying observe aeroplane mode using private framework - "appsupport framework". have changed content of radiospreferences.h file in it. new content

@protocol radiospreferencesdelegate -(void)airplanemodechanged; @end @interface radiospreferences : nsobject { struct __scpreferences *_prefs; int _applyskipcount; id <radiospreferencesdelegate> _delegate; bool _iscachedairplanemodevalid; bool _cachedairplanemode; bool notifyforexternalchangeonly; } - (id)init; - (void)dealloc; @property(nonatomic) bool airplanemode; - (void)refresh; - (void)initializescprefs:(id)arg1; - (void)notifytarget:(unsigned int)arg1; - (void)synchronize; - (void *)getvalueforkey:(id)arg1; - (void)setvalue:(void *)arg1 forkey:(id)arg2; @property(nonatomic) bool notifyforexternalchangeonly; // @synthesize notifyforexternalchangeonly; @property(nonatomic) id <radiospreferencesdelegate> delegate; // @synthesize delegate=_delegate; @end

i followed below link this.

detect if iphone in aeroplane mode?

once done, gives me error

ld: framework not found appsupport clang: error: linker command failed exit code 1 (use -v see invocation)

i have tried solutions. nil works me. help appreciated.

ios airplane

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