Thursday 15 March 2012

Html/CSS for image (.svg) in Android WebView -

Html/CSS for image (.svg) in Android WebView -

i have been trying number of different ways, can't work. want load .svg file in android webview. file exist on disk , create html now:

string html = "<html><body bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\">"; for(file svg : svgs) { html += "<img src='file://" + svg.getpath() + "' style='background-color:white;display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;'/>"; } html += "</body></html>";

it looks alright, not want. leaves little space @ top , not using space on sides enough. want margin same @ top , on sides, few percentages of image width.

i want "drop shadow".

what best way this?

android html css image webview

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