Thursday 15 March 2012

Syntax error in Windows resource (.rc) file -

Syntax error in Windows resource (.rc) file -

i have problem bundle of files, including main.rc. never worked rc files, have resolve problem friend of mine. "main.rc":

#include <windows.h> #ifdef gcc_windres vs_version_info versioninfo #else vs_version_info versioninfo moveable impure loadoncall discardable #endif fileversion 1,1,0,0 productversion 1,1,0,0 fileflagsmask vs_ffi_fileflagsmask #ifdef _debug fileflags 1 #else fileflags 0 #endif fileos vos_dos_windows32 filetype vft_dll filesubtype 0 // not used begin block "stringfileinfo" begin block "040904e4" //language id = u.s. english, char set = windows, multilingual begin value "filedescription", "myprotector\0" value "fileversion", "\0" value "internalname", "myprotector.exe\0" value "legalcopyright", "(c) 2010-2011 roberto rossi\0" value "originalfilename", "myprotector.exe\0" value "productname", "myprotector\0" value "productversion", "\0" value "comments","myprotector roberto rossi (\0" end end block "varfileinfo" begin value "translation", 0x0409, 1252 end end

i "syntax error" (not specific uh?) @ line 6, don't know why. can help that?

windows syntax-error resource-files rc

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