Monday 15 March 2010

javascript - AngularJS jasmine isolateScope() returns undefined -

javascript - AngularJS jasmine isolateScope() returns undefined -

i'm expecting isolated scope out of help-button directive.

it('should contain proper scope, depending on attributes', function() { var el = compile('<help-button context-id="1"></help-button>')(scope); scope.$digest(); console.log("el: " + el); console.log('isolated scope: ' + el.isolatescope()); .. });

-- before each test does

beforeeach(inject(function($compile, $rootscope, $injector) { compile = $compile; scope = $rootscope.$new(); ...

it prints:

'el: [object object]' 'isolated scope: undefined'

the question is: why i'm getting undefined? if there nil in isolated scope, still should empty {} object. anyway - test wrong - not show isolated scope (in real) contains info in there.

i'm stupid.

but reply own question because "a stupid stupid does" - i.e. may 1 1 time same (or myself future).

the problem in helpbutton.html directive using (which did not show/mention in question).

so templateurl referring helpbutton.html file supposed compiled html properly.

once looked @ el.html()'s output got not rendered (there missing tag or something).

thant's why not scope element.

(though nice have kind of exception on log if template not rendered html)

javascript angularjs scope jasmine

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