Tuesday 15 February 2011

titanium - How to enable button focus on touchStart? -

titanium - How to enable button focus on touchStart? -

i have created button, need response button like, on touch of button, button focus should enable alter in background color. how can that?

my code is, view:

<button class="button" id="proceedbutton" onclick="openquestionnaire">proceed</button>


".button":{ width: '50%', top: '25dp', borderradius: 8, borderwidth: 1, bordercolor: '#808080', backgroundgradient: { type: "linear", startpoint: { x: "0%", y:"0%"}, endpoint: { x: "0%", y:"100%"}, colors: [ { color: "#4f94cd", offset: 0.0 }, { color: "#4f94cd", offset: 1.0 } ] } }


$.proceedbutton.addeventlistener('touchstart', function() { $.proceedbutton.isfocused = true; }); $.proceedbutton.addeventlistener('touchend', function() { $.proceedbutton.isfocused = false; });

the above code not working. need slight chage in background color while touch of button.

any solution!!

as @codeforfun mentioned can utilize backgroundselectedcolor property of button.

also next states can used button in titanium.

disabled : backgrounddisabledimage , backgrounddisabledcolor normal : backgroundimage , backgroundcolor focus : backgroundfocusedimage , backgroundfocusedcolor selected : backgroundselectedimage , backgroundselectedcolor

hope helpful.

edit : illustration of usage:

view :

<button class="button" >proceed</button>

tss :

".button":{ width: '50%', top: '25dp', backgroundselectedcolor : "#4f94cd" //usage }

titanium titanium-mobile titanium-alloy tss

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