Tuesday 15 February 2011

wix - Reference a heat generated wxs file from a merge module -

wix - Reference a heat generated wxs file from a merge module -

i want create trivial merge module contains files of directory called "build" , installs them programme files folder. utilize heat generate wxs file these files, , want separated wxs file edit manually merge module. how reference heat generated file other merge module wxs file?

i generate heat wxs file this:

heat dir build -cg heatcomponent -gg -var var.buildfolder -dr programfilesfolder -srd -out heatcomponent.wxs

i know how create msi file of this:

<wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"> <product name='product' id='9f6edf70-539a-11e4-916c-0800200c9a66' upgradecode='bb651370-539a-11e4-916c-0800200c9a66' language='1033' codepage='1252' version='1.0.0' manufacturer='test'> <package id='*' description="a product" installerversion='301' languages='1033' compressed='yes' summarycodepage='1252' platform='x64'/> <media id="1" cabinet="product.cab" embedcab="yes" /> <directory id='targetdir' name='sourcedir'> <directory id='programfilesfolder'/> </directory> <feature id="files" title="main feature" level="1"> <componentgroupref id="heatcomponent"/> </feature> </product> </wix>

but how do reference componentgroup when want output merge module? if alter product element module element complaints feature element. if remove works, not files in msm.

based on heat command posted, seek making module definition (module1.wxs) this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"> <module id="mod1" language="0" version="1.0.0"> <package id="your-guid" manufacturer="acme" /> <directory id="targetdir" name="sourcedir"> <directory id="programfilesfolder" /> </directory> <componentgroupref id="heatcomponent"/> </module> </wix>

then can phone call candle so:

candle module1.wxs heatcomponent.wxs -dbuildfolder="folder-containing-files-here"

followed lite so:

light module.wixobj heatcomponent.wixobj -o module1.msm

wix heat merge-module

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