Tuesday 15 March 2011

asp.net mvc - Add Data to a model -

asp.net mvc - Add Data to a model -

i have created model list in it

namespace omiv2._1kswilson.models { public class legendclassvm { public list <string> legendvalues { get; set; } } }

then have foreach loop creates strings want use.

list<string> values = new list<string>(); foreach (feature f in allfeatures) { if (f.columnvalues.containskey(layercode)) { if (!values.contains(f.columnvalues[layercode].tostring())) { values.add(f.columnvalues[layercode].tostring()); } } }

how add together these items model list. code executes 5 times need store alot of data.

any suggestions appreciated

try this

public actionresult index() { legendclassvm model = new legendclassvm(); model.legendvalues = new list <string>(); foreach (feature f in allfeatures) { if (f.columnvalues.containskey(layercode)) { if (!values.contains(f.columnvalues[layercode].tostring())) { model.legendvalues.add(f.columnvalues[layercode].tostring()); } } } homecoming view(model); }

asp.net-mvc asp.net-mvc-4 model-view-controller

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