Sunday 15 May 2011

locking - Can I lock Centos yum updates to 1 specific base version? -

locking - Can I lock Centos yum updates to 1 specific base version? -

i'd lock downwards centos 6.3 x86_64 server receive updates released base of operations version, i.e. 6.3. possible? if so, how?

i not want upgrade kernel future base of operations versions such 6.4, 6.5, etc.

reason of our corporate apps run on 6.3 , can't take chance of them breaking ......for now!

many thanks

the reply multi-part.

generally, believe, 1 time newer versions of centos released older versions stop getting updates. saying "i want updates specific version" means "i don't want updates anymore" far know.

that beingness said, can prevent new kernels beingness installed adding exclude=kernel* yum configuration (in yum.conf).

additionally, if care disallowing automatic usage of newer kernels when installed can alter value of updatedefault in /etc/sysconfig/kernel no prevent that.

i should not above experience , inspection of centos 5 machine might or might not identical centos 6.

and lastly, if did want restrict scheme upgrades things available in given minor version need find centos mirror had broken out 6.x directories , them manually point yum repository configurations @ repositories. (most default repositories update latest version when released, reasons mentioned @ start updates old releases far know.)

centos locking yum

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