Sunday 15 January 2012

Change colors for accumulation curve in R? -

Change colors for accumulation curve in R? -

i using biodiversityr bundle generate species accumulation curves pooled individuals per plot in habitat type. have 3 different habitat types , each habitat type has 3 different sites (as rows). species presented columns. want each site of specific habitat represented in same color, different habitat types in different colors. now, rainbow. how alter color scheme?

here how did it.

library(biodiversityr) com.honey <- sub.honey[, 5:ncol(sub.honey)] env.frame.honey <- data.frame(env.honey) env.frame.honey$site.totals <- apply(com.honey,1,sum) accum.honey1 <- accumcomp(com.honey, y=env.frame.honey, factor="env.honey",scale="site.totals",ci=1,ci.type ="line", ci.lty= 3, conditioned=false, method="exact", ylab= "",xlab="", col=1,legend= f)

i added test dataset here. help highly appreciated.

i looking other possibilities accumulation curve biodiversityr bundle doesn't work new mac update.


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