Sunday 15 January 2012

ios - Bitwise AND operation on UInt8 enum -

ios - Bitwise AND operation on UInt8 enum -

having next enumeration

enum collidertype: uint8 { case hero = 0b1 case goblinorboss = 0b10 case projectile = 0b100 case wall = 0b1000 case cave = 0b10000 }

i'm trying simple:

allow combined = collidertype.hero.toraw() | collidertype.wall.toraw() // test 'combined' 'wall' bitmask if (combined & collidertype.wall.toraw()) { // compliation error :[ }

the error i'm getting follows

type 'uint8' not conform protocol 'booleantype'

it's because combined & collidertype.wall.toraw() returns uint8 while if expecting booleantype.

if (combined & collidertype.wall.toraw()) != 0 { }

should work.

ios swift bitmask

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