Wednesday 15 February 2012

batch - How to stop confirmation of deletion of file in batch -

batch - How to stop confirmation of deletion of file in batch -

so, have been working on html while decided go batch.i decided download "ms-dos parody" on computer, , noticed while creating new profile. had confirm wanted delete file (a file necessary installation). figure confusing, want delete no confirmation. download here, , here snipet of code also:

:reg cls set /p user=enter desired username: if %user% == todd goto exit if %user% == todd goto exit if %user% == micheal goto exit if %user% == micheal goto exit set /p pass=enter desired password: md "c:\xeondos\users\%user%" md "c:\xeondos\users\%user%\login" md "c:\xeondos\users\%user%\clr" echo %pass% >> c:\xeondos\users\%user%\login\%user%.txt echo 07 >> c:\xeondos\users\%user%\clr\%user%.txt echo type "y". know want to. rd /s c:\xeondos\users\default if not exist c:\xeondos\users\default goto loginmenu1

if help, great. edit: also, wondering zeos inc. thing @ beginning, created 2 years ago , coming names school project. remove in future.

you not show deletion of file. show deletion of directory.

generally, adding


to command suppress messages generated command


to command suppress error messages generated command

and automatically come in y, can use

echo y|your_command

although case, may wish examine documentation, may reveal other options.

again, in general prompt,

commandname /?

will show (sometimes terse) documentation.

commandname /?|more

will allow read documentation line-by-line or screen-by-screen.


commandname /? >filename

will set help file named filename read whatever editor or word-processor takes fancy.


rd /?

will show documentation rd (remove directory)

del /?

ditto del (delete file = erase file)


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