Wednesday 15 February 2012

Breeze : building metadata with the NHMetadataBuilder when using Envers -

Breeze : building metadata with the NHMetadataBuilder when using Envers -

we utilize nhibernate.envers extension audit purpose. hence audit entities generated on fly, although not part of our business model.

but nhmetadatabuilder calls getmappedclass method , makes no distinction between these audit entities , our business entities. crashes later on these audit entities. type returned getmappedclass system.collections.idictionnary, not create sense added metadata.

for now, ignoring these entities adding safeguard in buildmetadata method:

foreach (var meta in classmeta.values) { if (!meta.entityname.endswith("_aud")) { addclass(meta); } }

can think of more generic way ?

the pull request lnu fixes problem, , has been merged codebase. it's available github, , in next breeze release.

thanks lnu.


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