Wednesday 15 February 2012

html - How to embed a YouTube video in a page and protect URL stealing -

html - How to embed a YouTube video in a page and protect URL stealing -

i have website wants provide youtube videos content logged-in users (i take care of user login in sso style myself).

so, thought videos should seen when embedded in page (like in iframe or similar way). copying url , pasting in tab, or clicking on youtube logo image exist in youtube embedded player, sends youtube page of video - should not working.

so, trivial thought create video private, , of course of study logged in user can see it. since not want involve google user per user of own system, want have 1 "service account" user, owner of videos. when accessing video, can see 2 ways this:

the link on page not triggering video directly, rather arrive app server, verify whats needed, authenticate youtube sa user, , .... what? don't want stream video myself, serve straight youtube embedded player.

(not sure it's possible) if within iframe somehow set logged in sa user, process work fluently (something beingness in different chrome profile, within iframe).

not sure either feasible here, , other alternatives exist, suggestion welcome...

i know specified youtube embed, found alternative because not find solution question when had implement same thing client before year.

the workaround used that, since private videos, not matter hosted. so, convinced client used google drive store videos , embeded them there. works charm, player little cleaner , there no youtube logo.

hope helps,



the way see of making accessible own page lock embed specific domain link, , if want host video service, 1 can think of vimeo plus , utilize domain level privacy.

html iframe video youtube

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