Wednesday 15 February 2012

javascript - How do I ignore all pathNames and load my index.php at the root of my site? -

javascript - How do I ignore all pathNames and load my index.php at the root of my site? -

when user clicks nav link on web site loads page content window on current page javascript.

i utilize html 5 manipulate url , create history entry. url left looks 1 in question (

the problem if click refresh or send link gets 404 error because going pathname /questions , looking index.

in case loading (pages/questions.php).

is there way create domain ignores pathnames or can utilize location.pathname page loading main index.php @ root of domain...

here current .htaccess code

#default index page directoryindex index.php #php code in html file addtype cgi-script .php .htm .html .phtml rewriterule ^/.*$ /index.php

it needs configured @ web server (e.g. apache, iis, etc.), rewriting every url index.php.

for example, in apache done using rewriterules in .htaccess, case - send request file index.php:

<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> rewriteengine on rewritebase / rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewriterule . /index.php </ifmodule>

if it's indeed apache, can check more comprehensive solution @ wordpress' .htaccess.

javascript php jquery html5

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