Thursday 15 March 2012

graph algorithm - bi-directional maximum flow using ford-fulkerson -

graph algorithm - bi-directional maximum flow using ford-fulkerson -

i think undirected graph version of max flow problem.

so every border a->b, b->a valid. bi-directional. , share same capacity. means if have capacity 10 between 2 vertex a, b , , have flow b costs 5, remaining capacity b 5 remaining capacity b a.

my solution have 1 directed border b , 1 b. question is, if decrease residual a->b in residual graph, still increment residual backward border b->a?

yeah. in every augmenting path has available capacity, if decrease residual a->b in residual graph, have increment residual backward border b->a. allows flow might "returned" later.

graph-algorithm max-flow ford-fulkerson

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