Friday 15 June 2012

Cordova. I use push notification or scheduller? -

Cordova. I use push notification or scheduller? -

i want develop app works cordova follows. on server side database of messages , these messages should delivered devices correspond owners posts. question this, service on side of phone checking time time if there messages him or have server send these messages push, not know right way since never made similar application . give thanks you.

sending messages through force best way.

drawbacks client side checking:- if write code on client side(in phone) check messages time time, need handle events when app not in use, managing scheduler when net connection not available etc.

advantage of force server:- incase of force receive notification when app not in use, user know new messages received him , notification sent automatically received whenever user online.

i have used practice several apps , had received feedback on usabiltiy

cordova push-notification schedule

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