Friday 15 June 2012

loops - Function to find number of words in a file using C++? -

loops - Function to find number of words in a file using C++? -

while (ch != '\0') { if (iswhitespace(contents[i-1]) == 1) countwords++; i++; }

i'm trying print word count in text file. i've defined function iswhitespace, homecoming 1 if char white space, otherwise returns 0. i've tested iswhitespace function , works properly. added code word count function , i'm getting segmentation fault error. i've tried multiple methods within while loop of getting word count , they've compiled, didn't homecoming right number, it's not problem outside while loop. can explain i'm doing wrong? give thanks much!

since ch never changes, loop doesn't end until contents[i-1] shouldn't accessing, hence segmentation fault.

c++ loops count while-loop word

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