Sunday 15 July 2012

javascript - replace/ encode with jquery/ ajax before submitting -

javascript - replace/ encode < and > with jquery/ ajax before submitting -

i have next code part of comment form in page.

$.ajax({ type: "post", url: "path/to/script.php", data: $(form).serialize(), success: function(data) { $('#comment_form').fadeout(1000); var url = 'path/to/script.php'; $('#commenti').load(url + ' .comment'); } });

on server side characters < , > stripped need them allow displaying code snippets within <code></code> tags.

is there way jquery convert < &lt; , > &gt; before submitting comments display without stripped characters?

i haven't found client side solution yet, here little php-serverside function. needs it:

function specialchars($special) { $replace = array( '<' => '&lt;', '>' => '&gt;', '&' => '&amp;' ); homecoming strtr($special, $replace); }

use function specialchars based on needs.

javascript php jquery ajax

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