Friday 15 February 2013

javascript - Getting what is the first day of the week based on Locale with momentJs -

javascript - Getting what is the first day of the week based on Locale with momentJs -

using momentjs, possible first day of week (monday(1), sunday(7)...) based on locale without creating new moment?

i know can access first day of week current locale with:

moment.locale('uk'); moment().startof('week').isoweekday(); //returns 1 moment.locale('en'); moment().startof('week').isoweekday(); //returns 7

but think it's bit ugly...

creating momentjs object. going first date of week. resolving weekday.

any improve idea? thx!

this question has proper reply in momentjs's current api:


as op asked - no instance of moment() needed, no ugliness of going "start of", plain simple utilize of localedata.

note, might required download moment+locale file larger (44kb) moment (about 12kb).

seems case version 2.2.0, more info can found on docs:

javascript momentjs

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