Friday 15 February 2013

redirect - Exclude certain people (ip's) from viewing 'website under construction' page -

redirect - Exclude certain people (ip's) from viewing 'website under construction' page -

i'm working on site, i'd place 'website under construction' page tries view it. thing is, want selected grouping of people view real, actual, undeveloped page when type regarding website in adress bar. rest automatically redirected 'under construction' page.(is there name phenomenom?)

question summarized: possible auto-redirect people 'under contruction' page, exclude ip's beingness redirected? have knowledge of html, css, php, , little bit of js.


this solution me, satisfied with. doesn't meet requirements of people same problem.

i created .htaccess file in root directory. here denied ip's one's should have access it. created (temporary) custom 403(forbidden) errordocument a 'website under construction' page, long website isn't launched. i'll set default page when site's ready.

my .htaccess file follows:

errordocument 403 /forbidden.php order deny,allow deny allow

because doesn't reply specific question, didn't mark best answer.

redirect ip-address webpage

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