Saturday 15 June 2013

cappuccino - CPToolbar renders in the CPBorderlessBridgeWindowMask window only -

cappuccino - CPToolbar renders in the CPBorderlessBridgeWindowMask window only -

i tried add together custom toolbar application. locate @ bottom of window created 1 more window , added toolbar it:

var thewindow = [[cpwindow alloc] initwithcontentrect:cgrectmakezero() stylemask:cpborderlessbridgewindowmask], contentview = [thewindow contentview], bounds = [contentview bounds]; [contentview setbackgroundcolor:[cpcolor colorwithhexstring:@"cecece"]]; ///second window place toolbar @ bottom var w2 = [[cppanel alloc] initwithcontentrect:cgrectmake(0, cgrectgetheight(bounds) - _settings.toolbarsize, cgrectgetwidth(bounds), _settings.toolbarsize) stylemask: cpborderlesswindowmask] var c2 = [w2 contentview] [c2 setbackgroundcolor:[cpcolor colorwithhexstring:@"ff0000"]]; ///a toolbar toolbar = [[toolbar alloc] initwithwindow:w2]; ///show window [thewindow orderfront:self]; [w2 orderfront:self];

it worked cappuccino 0.8.1 not latest one. if either set toolbar thewindow or init w2 cpborderlessbridgewindowmask renders needed.

does have thought reason of behavior?

cappuccino objective-j

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