Saturday 15 June 2013

jquery - Bootstrap : affix + carousel + spy does not work correctly -

jquery - Bootstrap : affix + carousel + spy does not work correctly -

i develop new website ( seek bootstrap scripts (scrollspy, carousel, affix). but, affix doesn’t works correctly in safari , chrome:

my page - header - carousel - #brands-menu (to affix) - content of landing page :

<body> <header> <!-- height : $(window).height() - $("#brands-menu").height() (before scripts) --> <section id="carousel"> </section> <!-- height : 159px, affix --> <div id="brands-menu"> <div id="brands"> … </div> <nav id="menu"> … </nav> </div> </header> <section> … </section> … <script> // create carousel $('#carousel').carousel(); // scrollspy (159 height of affixed #brands-menu) $('#menu').scrollspy({ offset:159 }); // scroll landing page items $('#brands-menu').scroll_navi(); // affix brands , menu, when scroll hides #carousel $("#brands-menu").affix({ offset:{top:$("#carousel").height(), bottom:0}}); </script> </body>

result :

jquery twitter-bootstrap affix

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