Monday 15 July 2013

android - Google Play Store: "Designed for phones" - How to get rid of? -

android - Google Play Store: "Designed for phones" - How to get rid of? -

i facing problem google play store lately. far, able publish apps phones , tablets without problems. lately in newer apps message "designed phones" , app rank low in tablets. google has made rules tablets more strict, don't know how create app compatible new rules.

what have done far:

i have made large, , xlarge folders appropriate layout files. i have upload hi-res screenshots 7' , 10' tablets. i target sdk v. 19. i no suggestions in developer console, seems there no problems .apk

and still getting "designed phones" tag. missing something? above steps worked fine far apps.

any ideas?

some other things try, stated in guidelines

targetsdkversion , minsdkversion in element must greater 10 (you have though).

you must have assets tablets. means providing icons (and other image assets)for @ to the lowest degree 1 of these: hdpi, xhdpi, or xxhdpi.

if declared in manifest, < supports-screens> 'must not specify android:largescreens="false" or android:xlargescreens="false".'

declare hardware features correctly: not tablets back upwards hardware features such camera. find such features in in manifest , replace

< uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false" />

your app should work seamlessly if user not have photographic camera on tablet.

android optimization tablet

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