Monday 15 July 2013

Generating CRUD with Appfuse Maven Plugin(AMP) -

Generating CRUD with Appfuse Maven Plugin(AMP) -

a few days ago used command mvn appfuse:gen generate crud appfuse. generated folllowing files/classes given class (say, category):

1) category-validation.xml

2) categoryaction-validation.xml



5) categoryform.jsp

6) categorylist.jsp

i expected generate categorydao/categorydaohibernate or maybe categorymanager/categorymanagerimpl classes @ to the lowest degree !!! wrong.

instead, have next code in categoryaction class:

private genericmanager categorymanager;

and in contradiction appfuse's standard tutorial (see page)

can tells me how generate categorydao/categorydaohibernate , categorymanager/categorymanagerimpl classes project?

use -damp.genericcore=false when run appfuse:gen. following:

mvn appfuse:gen -dentity=category -damp.genericcore=false

maven appfuse amp

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