Monday 15 March 2010

c# - Asp.NET MVC REST API: How to get Client Host Name -

c# - Asp.NET MVC REST API: How to get Client Host Name -

i developing rest api application in mvc3. trying client client host name in action cannot success. using api in multiple applications want log domain name.

link 1

httpcontext.current.request.userhostaddress; system.web.httpcontext.current.request.userhostname; system.web.httpcontext.current.request.userhostaddress;

link 2

private string getclientip(httprequestmessage request) { if ("ms_httpcontext")) { homecoming ((httpcontextwrapper)["ms_httpcontext"]).request.userhostaddress; } else if ( { remoteendpointmessageproperty prop; prop = (remoteendpointmessageproperty)[]; homecoming prop.address; } else { homecoming null; } }

all these options providing ip address want host name

api controller

public class testcontroller : apicontroller { public testcontroller() { } [httpget] public object add(string info = "") { seek { string result = "0"; if (!string.isnullorempty(data)) { //should var host = system.web.httpcontext.current.request.userhostname; var ip = system.web.httpcontext.current.request.userhostaddress; } homecoming new { response = result }; } grab (exception ex) { throw ex; } } }

calling api action different domain

public class homecontroller : controller { public actionresult index() { var url = "{0}"; url = string.format(url, "{ data}"); webclient client = new webclient(); var result = client.downloadstring(url); homecoming content(result); } }

how can this?

it isn't supplied default, unfortunately; if you're on same network, can try:

var result ="remote_addr"));

but may have issues if client coming through proxy, etc.


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