Monday 15 March 2010

c++ cli - Why doesn't .NET CLI provide synthesized copy constructors and assignment operators for reference classes? -

c++ cli - Why doesn't .NET CLI provide synthesized copy constructors and assignment operators for reference classes? -

i writing simple gui using visual c++ in .net framework , curious why there no synthesized re-create constructors or assignment operators reference classes?

basically, started windows form application in visual studio , have own info construction of parameters. but, need instances of (and pointers instances of it) in mainform class , since latter reference class had create struct reference too.

so long , short of because c++cli .net language, reference based language (garbage collected, 2 indistinguishable in case). default reference, meaning instances accessed via handles, in

foo^ = gcnew foo(); foo^ b = a;

a , b point same object. true other reference-defualting languages java.

the side effect of is, unlike c++, nobody "owns" instance pointed a. actual lifetime of longer handles. makes making default re-create constuctor impossible. take simple reference class:

ref class foo { bar^ bar; };

when create re-create of foo, compiler has no way of knowing if foo owns bar or not. thus, cannot decide whether or not re-create handle (shallow copy) or instantiate new bar (deep copy). thus, designers of such language don't typically provide default re-create constructor.

.net c++-cli copy-constructor assignment-operator

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