Monday, 15 March 2010

heroku - How do I publish my first Node.js app? -

heroku - How do I publish my first Node.js app? -

i've built website i'm serving through basic node.js server i've built well.

i've created mysitename folder contains public folder (containing .html, .css etc. files) server.js file (my server). phone call node server.js within mysitename folder , working fine on localhost:8080

now want publish (in dev environment, i.e. url : can test live.

i tried couldn't have made process of setting app serve through them more confusing. it's confusing it's ridiculous.

i thought matter of uploading mysitename folder online , using service execute server.js

is there simpler, more "out-of-the-box" free service utilize , less of maze heroku appears be, or there better step-by-step guide, @ least, on how using heroku ?

i followed steps on heroku site, created bitbucket business relationship , repo folder mentioned above , installed source tree time got lastly step nil working. know i'm mentioning heroku i'd rather remain away riddle if there's cleaner way of doing things.

this first time seek publish site (let lone site beingness served through own server) appreciate help i'm in dark right now.

if not forum such question please allow me know , i'll remove , search elsewhere.

thank 1 time 1 time again help!

i suggest roll own server, you'll have lot more command , flexibility experiment/make mistakes.

as seem beginner, you'll able larn @ own pace without beingness limited platform you're using. example, heroku's read-only filesystem, postgresql database, etc...

what i'd suggest utilize amazon ec2. reason simple, give free instance year, it's having free pc in cloud play with. (no i'm not affiliated amazon, remembering joy experienced when started , found out).

you'll find great tutorial here deploy first instance, it'll save few hours of research time.


once server setup, grab inexpensive domain name godaddy or namecheap, , point server's ip. site , running in no time, 3$ total.

the whole process easy do, , give far more knowledge using 1 or other online solutions. bonus, able run sorts of things on instance, while keeping website alive.

and problems, there stack overflow.

happy coding!

node.js heroku publish

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