Monday 15 March 2010

osx - If there a way to get growl notifications on grunt protractor failures? -

osx - If there a way to get growl notifications on grunt protractor failures? -

i'm on osx, , have grunt watch file jshint & protractor tests. growl notifications jshint messages, none protractor failures. prefer visible popup notification rather having inspect terminal output.

any suggestions?

the packages used are:

grunt.loadnpmtasks( 'grunt-contrib-jshint' ); grunt.loadnpmtasks( 'grunt-contrib-watch' ); grunt.loadnpmtasks( 'grunt-http-server' ); grunt.loadnpmtasks( 'grunt-protractor-webdriver' ); grunt.loadnpmtasks( 'grunt-protractor-runner' ); grunt.loadnpmtasks( 'grunt-notify' ); 'http-server:test' ); 'protractor_webdriver:test' ); 'notify_hooks' );

this possible minor setup. need enable growl in protractor setup.

mochaopts: { reporter: "spec", slow: 3000, growl: true }

and create sure growl enabled in setup

osx gruntjs protractor growl

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