Perl-based HTML id attribute generator -
i have web page containing table of info sourced back-end database. in table (usually) unique key, provided 3rd party have little command of.
because html id
attributes case insensitive, must unique, , can contain characters, i've resorted using md5 hash create them based on unique database keys. keys far meeting html id
tag standards.
#!/usr/bin/perl utilize strict; utilize warnings; utilize digest::md5 qw(md5_hex); @extens = qw( g h j k l m n o p q ); sub genhtmlid { $id = md5_hex( $_[0] ); # html 4.01 not allow id's begin numbers $id =~ s/(^[0-9])/$extens[$1]/; homecoming $id; }
this seems work cases, isn't ideal situation due length (32 characters) of keys beingness created.
my guess generator used entire set of lower-case alphabetic characters need far fewer characters unique.
i've been searching through cpan , net module create these tags, haven't found one. happen know of one, or have solution require far fewer characters?
additional info: db engine sybase. keys (provided 3rd party) 6 7 fields, separated slash (/) character. though many fields may contain specific values, 2 of fields 'free hand', , contain characters not want appear in html id tag, like: ( ) [ ] < > ! ~ $ % , # , 'space'. entire key (all fields , separators) stored in simple varchar, after minor translation - prevent sybase complaining. 'id' tag required 3rd party web apps, can not alter 'data'.
if don't mind increased memory footprint of @choroba's solution, recommend go that.
otherwise, can take hint git's usage of commit hashes: of time, first 7 hex digits enough.
for example,
#!/usr/bin/env perl utilize strict; utilize warnings; utilize digest::sha1 qw(sha1_hex); run(); sub run { %id; $byte (0 .. 255) { $id{ genhtmlid(chr $byte) } = 1; } print scalar keys %id, "\n"; } sub genhtmlid { 'id' . substr( sha1_hex( $_[0] ), 0, 8) }
will print 256
. not know database key space looks like. if had idea, test collisions in key space.
if can rule out collisions, version of genhtmlid
give bijection between database keys , html id's without memory footprint of lookup table.
html perl
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