Saturday 15 May 2010

c++ - Faster than GetPixel()? -

c++ - Faster than GetPixel()? -

how replace getpixel() faster?

currently using:

temp = getpixel(hmonitor, 1, 1); if (pixelarray[0] != temp) { pixelarray[0] = temp; counter++; }

above code simplified example.

this contained in loop pixels on display. compares 1 pixel (temp) against previous array's pixel (pixelarray). if has changed, replace it. how-ever finding using getpixel() every pixel on display takes long time.

i have been reading other questions of similar nature such as:

fastest method of screen capturing

get pixel color fastest way?

...but not sure method improve such gdi or directx nor how implement said methods.

update: windows gdi (using getobject) array of pixels needed, give thanks you. much, much faster getpixel().

i suggest retrieve pointer bitmap's pixel info (assuming have hbitmap handle).

this done via getobject(), should homecoming bitmap structure. field interested in:

bmbits: pointer location of bit values bitmap. bmbits fellow member must pointer array of character (1-byte) values.

then can run checking logic per pixel on buffers. way faster using getpixel.

c++ windows directx gdi

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