Saturday 15 May 2010

c# - Inserts to Database During Debugging Does Not Commit To The Actual Database -

c# - Inserts to Database During Debugging Does Not Commit To The Actual Database -

sorry life of me can't figure out, i'm sure must setting within visual basic missing.

so have programme lets me insert values database , datagridview selects values showing me results of inserted records.

when debug programme looks great. inserts , shows in datagridview. problem close programme records disappear. when come in programme 1 time again not there. when examine actual database values didn't commit.

what confuses me working fine yesterday , haven't touched of visual basic settings have no thought causing problem.

thank in advance of help.


so figured out because property of database named "copy output" set "copy always" , setting "copy if newer" fixed problem. seeing visual studio making changes own re-create of database within debug/bin folder. there anyway create commit actual database instead of going around that?

here connection string:

<add name="sa_dbconnectionstring" connectionstring="data source=.\sqlexpress;attachdbfilename=&quot;|datadirectory|\sa db.mdf&quot;;integrated security=true;user instance=true; multipleactiveresultsets=true" providername="" />

c# sql database visual-studio-2010 settings

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