Tuesday 15 February 2011

deployment - How to disable source code publishing in ASP.NET 5 apps? -

deployment - How to disable source code publishing in ASP.NET 5 apps? -

here how deployed content looks after publishing (on azure website):

class="lang-none prettyprint-override">/approot/packages - nuget packages /approot/src - source files solution /approot/global.json - list of global nuget packages /wwwroot/bin/aspnet.loader.dll - .dll file in wwwroot folder /wwwroot/css - front-end code /wwwroot/lib - front-end code /wwwroot/web.config - auto-generated

web.config generated during publishing

i'm wondering, how create deploy compiled output , not source files?

if publishing through vs 2015, create next selection not deploy source files:

if not using vs, can utilize kpm pack command accomplish this. example, next command vs uses create bundle deploy (you can enable detailed logging in tools | options | projects , solutions | build , run, see this)

"c:\users\kiranchalla\.kre\packages\kre-clr-x86.1.0.0-beta2-10690\bin\kpm.cmd" pack --runtime kre-clr-x86.1.0.0-beta2-10690 --out "c:\users\kiranchalla\appdata\local\temp\aspnetpublish\webapplication5-91" --wwwroot-out wwwroot --no-source --configuration release --quiet

some info: effect of above application pre-compiled , should see bundle under packages folder , kre-app-base flag in web.config points package. example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <appsettings> <add key="kpm-package-path" value="..\approot\packages" /> <add key="bootstrapper-version" value="1.0.0-beta1" /> <add key="kre-package-path" value="..\approot\packages" /> <add key="kre-version" value="1.0.0-beta2-10690" /> <add key="kre-clr" value="clr" /> <add key="kre-app-base" value="..\approot\packages\webapplication5\1.0.0\root" /> </appsettings> </configuration>

asp.net deployment publishing azure-web-sites asp.net-core

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