Tuesday, 15 February 2011

iphone - Ios 8: Determine the destination app when my app goes to the background? -

iphone - Ios 8: Determine the destination app when my app goes to the background? -

i override app's openurl-method know when we're leave app abpersonviewcontroller, reason beingness that class doesn't notify delegate on of actions presents user. if did fine.

this worked flawlessly in ios 7, when trying in ios 8.1 turns out abpersonviewcontroller doesn't phone call openurl actions anymore. instance, tapping phone number gets me phone app without calling openurl. tapping sms bubble on other hand will phone call openurl.

when tapping facebook profile entry (with url "fb://profile/1234567890") log says "launch services" doesn't have registered handler scheme "fb". i'm assuming calls launch services have replaced calls openurl. can't find out much more other it's "a private api".

is there way observe these calls? or, possible override handlers known schemes "tel" , "mailto" internally app? need know when we're leaving app , where we're going.

ios iphone openurl abpersonviewcontroller launch-services

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