Tuesday 15 February 2011

java - Maven throwing error during "mvn site" but works fine with "mvn compile"/"mvn test" -

java - Maven throwing error during "mvn site" but works fine with "mvn compile"/"mvn test" -

today trying generate study using site command through maven , encountered problem during compilation phase.

error: parseexception in /users/rajesh/documents/workspace/mobileads/mobileads-core/src/main/java/com/nimbuzz/mobileads/util/adrequestanalyticslogger.java lastly useful checkpoint: "com.nimbuzz.mobileads.util.adrequestanalyticslogger.logadok(adrequest,string)" encountered " ">" "> "" @ line 32, column 55. expecting 1 of: "boolean" ... "byte" ... "char" ... "double" ... "float" ... "int" ... "long" ... "short" ... <identifier> ... "?" ... "boolean" ... "char" ... "byte" ... "short" ... "int" ... "long" ... "float" ... "double" ... <identifier> ... "?" ... "?" ... "?" ... "?" ...

to surprise when run compile or test command same files compile properly.

now have 2 doubts here

1). when go adrequestanalyticslogger.java giving me problem see code

final list<string> tobelogged = new arraylist<>(ad.aslist());

mind there not string in tilts after arraylist.

now uncertainty is,does java take "arraylist<>" rather "arraylist".if suppose "arraylist" how come compiling not working when doing "mvn site".

2). difference between "mvn compile"/"mvn test"/"mvn site"

regards, rajesh

you have plugin in site lifecycle doesn't know how parse java 7 diamond operator you're using.

take @ log before error see plugin is. you'll either need configure expect java 7 or upgrade.

possibly related javancss-9:

i next parse error, when using cobertura-maven-plugin (2.5.1) javancss-maven-plugin (2.0): ... code piece uses java 1.7

now fixed in latest version.

java maven arraylist

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