Tuesday 15 February 2011

PHP programmers mention OOP for scalability, but what happened before OOP? -

PHP programmers mention OOP for scalability, but what happened before OOP? -

i have been told oop replace procedural programming in php because of scalability.my question happened before oop? no php programme scalable before oop? possible build programme in php using procedural code build programme can scale?

what happened before oop ? is possible build programme in php using procedural code build programme can scale? why obsession oop? , or frameworks(codeigniter, laravel ect )? why not utilize functions or other method, not making learning curve take years , years new programmers? and why hear lot of negativity relational databases? why there hype non relational databases.

whats thoughts on this?

first off, note isn't specific php. object-oriented programming revolution in programming generally.

but specific questions:

before oop, programmers had harder job of keeping conceptually separate things separate in code. if want code relating dogs in 1 place, it's much easier oop. can done procedural programming, if you're careful , have code structure, it's messier , harder deal with. yes, it's possible write scalable procedural code. depend little on mean scalable, though. if mean scaling big amounts of data, there's no real issue. if mean scaling ever larger programs , more , more functionality, it's harder without oop, can done (and had done before oop came in). extensibility , maintainability rather scalability, though. the obsession oop because much improve matches way think. write dog class, , encapsulates doggy info , doggy functionality. without oop, have maintain info , code separate; that's artificial in ways. when think dog, think info holds (colour, size, breed) and can (woof, run) together. oop enables this. frameworks little different: deal things lots of programs need do, , have if there no framework. way of saving programmers lots of time , effort , debugging, doing lots of work them, , allowing them concentrate on what's specific application. there difference of sentiment here whether it's best teach oop right origin or whether add together in later, after teaching procedural programming. argument in favour of objects it's more conceptual; on other hand mean teaching whole lot more language features right start. for anything, anywhere, in context, going negative it! wouldn't worked this. relational databases have limitations: don't neatly capture objects, instance, , end frameworks entire purpose translate between object world , relational database world (orms, or object-relational mappings). don't fooled negativity: relational databases still standard fare in types of programming, , they're not disappearing time soon.

php oop

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