Tuesday 15 March 2011

environment variables - Modifying PATH with fish shell -

environment variables - Modifying PATH with fish shell -

i'm playing around fish shell , i'm having problem wrapping head around how path variable set. it's worth, i'm using oh-my-fish.

if echo current path get:

➜ fish echo $path /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin /usr/local/bin /opt/x11/bin /usr/texbin /users/myname/.opam/system/bin

looking @ ~/.config/fish/config.fish see next line

set path /usr/local/bin $path /users/myname/.opam/system/bin

my question (and phrasing reflect lack of knowledge on subject): prior config.fish beingness processed, path variable set? ie: of paths between /usr/local/bin , /users/myname/.opam/system/bin come from?

like shells, fish inherits path environment started in. how set login shells differs between operating systems - on linux, example, /etc/login.defs controls initial path set login shells. don't know how set on os x.

next, bash or csh, initialisation files shell may alter path. fish on os x, there code in share/fish/config.fish load paths standard os x path configuration files /etc/paths , /etc/paths.d/*. there alternative code set useful path on solaris.

there code pick paths universal variable $fish_user_paths, right way add together path , have reflected across shells.

shell environment-variables fish

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