Tuesday 15 March 2011

osgi - what port can use on OpenShift for org.apache.felix.shell.remote? -

osgi - what port can use on OpenShift for org.apache.felix.shell.remote? -

i utilize bot web admin , gogo command line interface felix on openshift. can web admin working, log running felix need remote shell.

i start felix with:

java -dosgi.shell.telnet.port=15000 -dorg.ops4j.pax.web.listening.addresses= -jar bin/felix.jar

and throws:

error: bundle org.apache.felix.shell.remote [7] error starting file:/var/lib/openshift/xxxxx/app-root/runtime/repo/osgi/felix-framework-4.4.1/bundle/org.apache.felix.shell.remote-1.1.2.jar (org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: activator start error in bundle org.apache.felix.shell.remote [7].) java.net.bindexception: permission denied @ java.net.plainsocketimpl.socketbind(native method) @ java.net.abstractplainsocketimpl.bind(abstractplainsocketimpl.java:376) @ java.net.serversocket.bind(serversocket.java:376)

any thought how can work? give thanks you.

there 4 externally available ports openshift online application. 2 web ports 80 (http)/ 443 (https), , 2 websocket ports 8000 (ws)/8443 (wss).

from looks of command you're trying connect 15000 result in the java.net.bindexception: permission denied error

you seek replacing port=15000 , listening.addresses= proper openshift environment variables (see https://developers.openshift.com/en/managing-environment-variables.html more information)

osgi port openshift telnet

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