Sunday 15 May 2011

.htaccess - svg files failing to load from an Apache web-server -

.htaccess - svg files failing to load from an Apache web-server -

okay, have website project opens , runs locally on apache when have uploaded webserver i've found svg files fail load.

at first believe problem content type upon farther investigation can see set image/svg+xml (which has worked me in past).

i checked permissions files , on 777 still fail.

the status code returned is: 206 partial content.

i have googled , have been going round in circles day. insight problem much appreciated.

thanks in advance


afaik, 206 code sent server when client (the browser) requesting part of file.

how requesting svg files? javascript using ajax etc? if so, check requests doing supposed to.

another possibility - according question: what 206 partial content may cross domain issue.

apache .htaccess svg permissions

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