Sunday 15 May 2011

ios - Custom transition for UINavigationController -

ios - Custom transition for UINavigationController -

i customize transition uiviewcontroller. therefore, created new category force , pop transitions described here:

so, created t1 category. first, here uinavigationcontroller+t1.h

@interface uinavigationcontroller (t1) - (void)t1_pushviewcontroller:(uiviewcontroller *)viewcontroller; - (void)t1_popviewcontroller; @end

and here uinavigationcontoller+t1.m

@implementation uinavigationcontroller (fade) - (void)t1_pushviewcontroller:(uiviewcontroller *)viewcontroller { // ... // force code t1 transition // ... [self pushviewcontroller:viewcontroller animated:no]; } - (void)fadepopviewcontroller { // ... // pop code t1 transition // ... [self popviewcontrolleranimated:no]; } @end

then, stumped! not sure how create uiviewcontroller in storyboard utilize new transitions in category. how forcefulness force , pop transitions in category created used forwards (show) , actions of uinavigationcontroller?

here tutorial custom-ios-segues-in-xcode-5, case, move content of t1_pushviewcontroller method perform method of custom uistoryboardsegue subclass, same pop function.

ios objective-c uiviewcontroller customization transition

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