Sunday 15 May 2011

ios - safari history.plist file missing in iOS7 -

ios - safari history.plist file missing in iOS7 -

i want access safari history file programmatically,after going several questions here found safari history stored @ next path: /var/mobile/library/safari/history.plist, not able see history.plist file,only safari bookmarks related files nowadays within safari directory.

does history.plist file has been moved other path in ios7. i have checked on jailbroken iphone 5s(ios 7.1.1) , iphone 5c(ios 7.1.2) using ifile.

you can go to:

/var/mobile/applications/-safari app identifier-/library/safari/history.plist

for finding total path of safari (or other system/user application) check plist named file located @ /var/mobile/library/caches/ plist file contains want. plist below:

-root ... +system (dictionary) +user (dictionary) ...

safari scheme application within scheme dictionary see key named key dictionary too. dictionary contains string keyed path want. can see path other application known knowing application type , bundle identifier. code should this:

- (nsstring*) safaripath { homecoming [self applicaitonfullpath:@"" apptype:@"system"]; } - (nsstring*) applicaitonfullpath:(nsstring*)bundleidentifier apptype:(nsstring*)apptype { //apptype shoud `system` or `user` case sensitive!! nsdictionary *mobileinstallationdict = [nsdictionary dictionarywithcontentsoffile:@"/var/mobile/library/caches/"]; homecoming mobileinstallationdict[apptype][bundleidentifier][@"path"]; }

ios objective-c safari jailbreak

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