Sunday 15 May 2011

objective c - Custom TabBarItem menu IOS 7 -

objective c - Custom TabBarItem menu IOS 7 -

i'm trying create uitabbarcontroller this:

no matter device width (whether rotated or not) buttons should not stretched , leftover space should on right side.

my questions:

is possible uitabbarcontroller?

for whitelines inbetween buttons planning utilize unclickable uitabbaritem image. best way this?

with this tutorial followed getting result:

2 problems here ^, whilst background.png 320x49, selected image (68x49) has padding. should not happen, both pictures have same height?

the sec problem button/image has trailing space, , want sticked left side, in first screenshot. how accomplish this?

i don't expect post code, simply force in right direction i'm totally lost on this.

check library, can customize ui in interface builder consstraints , want.

objective-c xcode uitabbarcontroller

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