Sunday 15 May 2011

php - MS SQL Select MAX Date Issue -

php - MS SQL Select MAX Date Issue -

i know similar lot of posts attempting writing php query connects microsoft sql server. can bring of relevant info want when set clause in php query doesn't run. have 3 tables

| metalsource | metalprice | currency |

in metal prices table there date/time field want find latest date date set database regardless of time, how can done? query follows:

$query = "select mp.metalsourceid, mp.unitprice, mp.datecreated, mp.highunitprice, mp.previousunitprice, mp.previoushighunitprice, mp.metalsourcename, cu.currency tblmetalprice mp inner bring together tblmetalsource ms on mp.metalsourceid = ms.metalsourceid inner bring together tblcurrency cu on ms.currencyid = cu.currencyid select max (datecreated) mp"

like i've said select statement works fine, when trying cut down results clause seems die.

i've looked @ other posts , tried several different things nil seems getting need.


as per comments:

order datecreated desc limit 31

this order info , limit 31 rows.


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