Sunday 15 May 2011

python - django url error in html href -

python - django url error in html href -

i followed official site django , i'm developing new site based in django.

my schema is:

/home /----charts

my home template have code:

{% alternative in menu.options %} <li ><a href="{% url %}"><i class='{{ option.class }}'></i><span></span>{{}}</a> </li> {% endfor %}

menu dict: = { "options": [ { "link": "", "name": "home", "class": "icon-dashboard", }, { "link": "charts:charts", "name": "charts", "class": "icon-bar-chart", } ]

but don't know why didn't work " {% url %} "


url(r'^$', views.home.as_view(), name='home'), url(r'^charts/', include('charts.urls',namespace="charts")),


url(r'^$', views.indexcharts.as_view(), name='charts'),

i'm doing or wrong? if type hardcode {% url 'charts:charts' %} works.

the error is: exception value: reverse '' arguments '()' , keyword arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []

sorry poor english.

thx lot.

python django url href

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