Wednesday 15 February 2012

javascript - how to use islocationOnEdge function to find coordinates on/near a path of google maps api on server side -

javascript - how to use islocationOnEdge function to find coordinates on/near a path of google maps api on server side -

this question extension question on finding particular cities along path including details.

google.maps.geometry.poly.islocationonedge(latlngofdbcoordinate,new google.maps.polyline({path:google.maps.geometry.encoding.decodepath(response.routes[0].overview_polyline)}),0.00001);

1) can run above line of code many(eg:10000) (latlngofdbcoordinate stored in database) @ server side javascript within php code node.js ?

2)if yes please tell how should go else

3)could please tell me how execute code via php or other classes (from stack overflow link @ top)? , please tell me how utilize islocationonedge() function routeboxer class mentioned above?

4)is there other easier way utilize islocationonedge() or other method @ server side not aware of ?

5) there usage limits utilize function islocationonedge() on server side ? function of geometry library , using functions boolean homecoming values display coordinates on/near polyline usage limits applicable?

6)and useful store overview polyline of routes in db(cause can lengthy in case of big routes) or should create request everytime google url service sending them start , destination coordinates , using overview polyline recieve json or xml pass in islocationonedge()? please specify reason.

please help in advance

i had same problem. application in android server side in nodejs, decided create implementation in android. used polyutil class has same functions.

but if need implement code in javascript server side can seek recreate functions of polyutil class. in find finish code of islocationonedge

hope helps.


javascript php node.js google-maps google-maps-api-3

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