Friday 15 June 2012

Closing a file powershell -

Closing a file powershell -

i trying write script opens pdf files in folder, prints them, , closes files. have first 2 parts working, can not find way close files after. i've done google searching found nothing. i'm new powershell if there improve way doing please allow me know:

class="lang-powershell prettyprint-override">get-childitem -filter *.pdf | foreach-object { # file item variable $_ write-host "printing: $($" #open file print command. start-process -filepath $_.fullname -verb print }

any tips appreciated!

i don't have experience curious start-process cmdlet print verb. googled , came looks solution problem:

start-process -filepath $.fullname -verb print -passthru | %{sleep 10;$_} | kill



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