Friday 15 June 2012

How do I group by column from table A to another column in table B? SQL -

How do I group by column from table A to another column in table B? SQL -

i relatively new sql server. want know if possible utilize grouping of 1 column table grouping column in table b... have tried block of code... appreciate responses. thanks!

select sum(total_likes) msn grouping select * month_ postingtable;

the problem query aren't saying how bring together msn postingtable. if msn table looks this:

msnid int, total_likes int, name varchar(50), url varchar(255) ...etc.

...and posting table looks this:

msnid int, month_ int, year_ int, posting_information varchar(255) ...etc.

then pseudo-query saying, "add total likes msn , list number against each month in postingtable". if there total of 100,000 likes in msn reply looked this:

jan - 100,000 feb - 100,000 mar - 100,000 apr - 100,000 etc.

so need define how want associate total_likes each month "bucket". query might end looking this:

select pt.[month_], sum([total_likes]) msn m inner bring together postingtable pt on pt.someid = m.someid --where someid how bring together msn postingtable grouping pt.[month_]

now results should more this:

jan - 30,000 feb - 40,000 mar - 20,000 apr - 10,000 etc.

sql table group-by

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